Educational programs accredited in the school

It is a philosophy of learning based on the integration of science, technology, engineering and mathematics, as it is considered that the separation between different fields of science is an artificial one.

It is mainly concerned with problem-based learning while employing creative methods, and it does not encourage memorization and memorization of learning facts or concepts because all learning is done through solving problems in their real context and depends on scientific experiences. a company

The student develops mathematical skills, explores his talent for mathematics, loves mathematics, feels easy for him, and enjoys performing advanced math operations ،

Mental computation output:

  • Activate and strengthen memory.
  • Developing the child’s creative energies and gaining self-confidence.
  • Developing mathematical operations and developing perceptual and visualization skills.
  • Hearing skills development.
  • The development of analytical skills and the development of creative energies.
  • Developing the skills of reading speed, quick wit and speed of writing.
  • Strengthening the desire and appetite for educational achievement.

It is a program set up by the School Development Department to teach the student how to deal with cash, through four projects that the student implements during the year through which he learns the skills of buying and selling, managing capital, profit and loss and seizing opportunities, as well as acquiring social skills in dealing with others.

We study the English language in the Euphrates as a basic subject in the civil and international track, and we are keen to acquire the student / e language skills reading, writing, speaking and listening, and active learning strategies and modern teaching techniques are used in presenting lessons, and periodic international tests are conducted to measure the level of our students, and students are provided with weekly stories outside the curriculum With working papers to encourage them to read in English and refine their language skills. A website for textbooks is available for viewing and benefiting from the activities and videos on the site.

The Holy Qur’an Hafiz ’Project: It is a program that aims to memorize five parts of the Holy Qur’an at the end of the elementary school, and to be proficient in recitation and recitation while following active learning strategies in teaching it, and using the suspense method in presenting and interpreting the stories of the Holy Qur’an. Children and elementary grades, and we are keen to teach Tajweed and apply it in recitation at all stages.

Teaching computer programs has become a necessity and not the traditional education that is based on teaching computer parts or office programs. Therefore, we have developed an advanced curriculum in Al Furat schools that acquires our students skills in design, programming, using the Internet and searching for information through it, and that starts from the early grades, and the evaluation is through projects The student achieves it and evaluates it periodically.